日本経済新聞 関連サイト


March 13 (Mon.) and 14 (Tue.), 2017
Ito Hall, the Ito International Research Center, the University of Tokyo
Japan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC)
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) ※to be adjusted
Japan’s Cabinet Office , Nikkei Inc.
Kadokawa Ascii Research Laboratories, Inc.
The closing day for applications
3月3日(金) March 3 (Fri.)
tell: 03-5159-2208(受付時間 10時00分~17時30分 土、日、祝日を除く)
e-mail: ai-kokusai@creative-net.co.jp

English Application Form

【1日目】 3月13日(月)11:00~17:30
[The First Day] March 13 (Mon.) 11:00-17:30
11:00 開会の辞
Opening Remarks
須藤 修(推進会議長、東京大学大学院情報学環教授・東京大学総合教育研究センター長)
Prof. Osamu SUDOH (Chairperson of THE CONFERENCE TOWARD AI NETWORK SOCIETY (hereinafter referred to as “THE CONFERENCE”); Professor of the University of Tokyo Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies; Director for the University of Tokyo Center for Research and Development of Higher Education; Chairperson for the Information and Communications Policy Committee; Member of the OECD Global Science Forum Expert Group)
11:10 特別講演 「AIネットワーク化と智連社会」
Special Lecture: AI Networking and Wisdom Network Society
濱田 純一(推進会議顧問、東京大学名誉教授(前・東京大学総長))
Prof. Junichi HAMADA (Executive Adviser of THE CONFERENCE; Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo; the Former President of the University of Tokyo)
11:30 特別遠隔講演 「AIの人間及び社会への影響」
Special Distance Speech: AI and its Influence on People and Society
エリック・ホロヴィッツ(Partnership on AI評議員会暫定議長、米国マイクロソフト・コーポレーション技術フェロー、元・米国人工知能学会長)
Dr. Eric J. HORVITZ (Interim co-Chair of the Board of Trustees, Partnership on AI; Technical Fellow at Microsoft Corporation; Former President of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence)
11:50 特別遠隔インタビュー 「AIの人間及び社会への影響」
Special Distance Interview: AI and its Influence on People and Society
エリック・ホロヴィッツ、 堀浩一(推進会議開発原則分科会技術顧問、東京大学大学院工学系研究科教授)
Prof. Koichi HORI (Technical Advisor for the Subcommittee on AI R&D Principles of THE CONFERENCE; Professor of the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Engineering; Former President of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence)
13:00 基調講演 「人工知能の未来に備えて」(仮)
Keynote Speech: Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence
Prof. Edward W. FELTEN (Former Deputy U.S. Chief Technology Officer at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy; Robert E. Kahn Professor of Computer Science and Public Affairs at the Princeton University; Founding Director of Princeton's Center for Information Technology Policy)
13:20 特別講演 「AIネットワーク化の本質と将来」
Special Lecture: Essence and Future of AI Networking
長尾 真(推進会議顧問、京都大学名誉教授(元・京都大学総長))
Prof. Makoto NAGAO (Executive Adviser of THE CONFERENCE; Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University; the Former President of the Kyoto University; Former President of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers; Former President of the Information Processing Society of Japan)
13:40 講演 「AIが提起する公共政策的考察」
Speech: Public Policy Considerations Raised by AI
Mr. Douglas FRANTZ (Deputy Secretary-General, OECD) [Video Message]
Ms. Anne CARBLANC (Head of Division, Digital Economy Policy, OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation)
14:00 講演 「AIの高度化がもたらすインパクト」
Speech: Social Impact brought by Advancement of AI
グレッグ・コラード(Google Inc主席研究員、Google Brain 共同創始者(Partnership on AI 評議員))
Dr. Greg S. CORRADO (Principal Scientist, co-founder of Brain, Google Inc. (Member of the Board of Trustees, Partnership on AI))
14:20 講演 「AIの高度化がもたらす社会的・倫理的課題」
Speech: Social and Ethical Implications brought by the Advancement of AI
ジャン・タリン(スカイプ共同創業者、Center for the Existential Risk共同創設者、Future of Life Institute共同創設者)
Mr. Jaan TALLINN (Co-Founder of Skype; Co-Founder of the Cambridge Centre for the Study of Existential Risk; Co-Founder of the Future of Life Institute)
14:50 講演 「AI・スマートロボットの開発及び利用に関する原則とルール」
Speech: Principles and Rules concerning the Development and Usage of AI and Smart Robot
ロバート・ブレイ(欧州議会法務委員会事務局課長) Mr. Robert BRAY (Head of Unit, Secretariat of the Committee on Legal Affairs of the European Parliament)
15:10 イタリア経済財政大臣特別メッセージ 「AIの機会に関する共通理解の形成に向けたG7の取組」
Special Message from the Minister of Economic Development of Italian Republic: G7's Activities toward Formulation of a Common Understanding on the Opportunities of AI
Ms. Benedetta Arese LUCINI (Advisor to the Minister of Economic Development, Italian Republic)
15:15 講演 「AIネットワーク時代を迎える国際社会の取組」
Speech: Effort of International Community Preparing for the AI Network Era
Mr. Won-ki MIN (Chairman, OECD Committee on Digital Economy Policy (CDEP); Deputy Minister, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, Republic of Korea)
15:25 AI開発ガイドラインの策定に向けて Toward Formulation of AI R&D GUIDELINE
平野 晋(推進会議幹事・開発原則分科会長、中央大学教授・大学院総合政策研究科委員長)
Prof. Susumu HIRANO (Chairperson for the Subcommittee on AI R&D Principles of THE CONFERENCE; Dean and Professor of Chuo University Graduate School of Policy Studies; Member of the New York State Bar; Former Visiting Scholar of Cornell University Law School)
16:00 パネルディスカッション 「AIネットワーク化のガバナンスの在り方」
Panel Discussion: Governance of AI Networking
須藤 修
宍戸 常寿(推進会議開発原則分科会長代理、東京大学大学院法学政治学研究科教授)
谷脇 康彦(総務省情報通信国際戦略局長)
堀 浩一(推進会議開発原則分科会技術顧問、東京大学大学院工学系研究科教授)
Prof. Osamu SUDOH (Chair Person of THE CONFERENCE; Professor of the University of Tokyo Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies; Director for the University of Tokyo Center for Research and Development of Higher Education; Chairperson for the Information and Communications Policy Committee; Member of the Information and Communications Council; Member of the OECD Global Science Forum Expert Group
 - Prof. George SHISHIDO (Vice Chairperson for the Subcommittee on AI R&D Principles of THE CONFERENCE; Professor of the University of Tokyo Graduate School for Law and Politics)  - Mr. Yasuhiko TANIWAKI (Director-General of the Global ICT Strategy Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan)
 - Prof. Koichi HORI (Technical Advisor for the Subcommittee on AI R&D Principles of THE CONFERENCE; Professor of the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Engineering; Former President of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence)
 - Prof. Edward W. FELTEN (Former Deputy U.S. Chief Technology Officer at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy; Robert E. Kahn Professor of Computer Science and Public Affairs at the Princeton University)
- Dr. Greg S. CORRADO (Member of the Board of Trustees, Partnership on AI; Senior Research Scientist, Machine Learning, Google Inc.)
 - Mr. Robert BRAY (Head of Unit, Secretariat of the Committee on Legal Affairs of the European Parliament)
 - Ms. Benedetta Arese LUCINI (Advisor to the Minister of Economic Development, Italian Republic)
 - Mr. Jaan TALLINN (Co-Founder of Skype; Co-Founder of the Cambridge Centre for the Study of Existential Risk; Co-Founder of the Future of Life Institute)
 - Ms. Anne Carblanc (Head of Division, Digital Economy Policy, OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation)
17:25 総務大臣挨拶
Address by Japan’s Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications
高市 早苗(総務大臣)
H.E. Sanae TAKAICHI (Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan)

【2日目】 3月14日(火)9:30~18:00
[The Second Day] March 14 (Tue.) 10:00-18:00
9:30 総務審議官挨拶 Address by Vice-Minister for Policy Coordination, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
鈴木茂樹(総務審議官)(Mr. Shigeki SUZUKI, Vice-Minister for Policy Coordination, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)
9:35 人工知能技術戦略会議長挨拶
Address by the Chairman of the Artificial Intelligence Strategy Committee
安西 祐一郎(推進会議顧問、慶應義塾大学名誉教授(前・慶應義塾長))
Prof. Yuichiro ANZAI (Executive Adviser of THE CONFERENCE; Chairman of the Artificial Intelligence Strategy Committee; Professor Emeritus of Keio University; the Former President of the Keio University; President of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
9:40 講演「理化学研究所革新知能統合研究センターにおけるAIネットワーク化に関連す る取組の紹介」 Speech: Introduction of Activities by RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project related to AI Networking
杉山 将(国立研究開発法人理化学研究所革新知能統合研究センター長、東京大学大 学院新領域創成科学研究科教授) Prof. Masashi SUGIYAMA (Director of RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project; Professor of the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Sciences)
9:55 講演 「デジタル社会におけるAIの便益の向上に向けて」
Keynote Speech: Towards a Beneficial AI in the Digital Society
マルコ・ジリ(トリノ工科大学長) Prof. Marco GILLI (Rector of the Politecnico di Torino)
10:15 講演「情報通信研究機構(NICT)におけるAIネットワーク化に関連する研究開 発」 Speech: Research and Development by NICT related to AI Networking
益子信郎(国立研究開発法人情報通信研究機構理事) Dr. Shinro MASHIKO (Vice President of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)
10:30 総務大臣政務官挨拶
Address by Japan’s Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications
金子 めぐみ(総務大臣政務官)
Ms. Megumi KANEKO, Japan’s Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications
10:35 報告 「AIネットワーク化の影響・リスクの評価」
Report: Impact & Risk Assessment on AI Networking
城山 英明(推進会議幹事・影響評価分科会長、東京大学大学院法学政治学研究科教授)
Prof. Hideaki SHIROYAMA (Senior Member of THE CONFERENCE; Chairperson for the Subcommittee on Impact & Risk Assessment of THE CONFERENCE; Professor of the University of Tokyo Graduate School for Law)
11:00 座談会 「AIネットワーク化と人間社会」
Round-Table Discussion: AI Networking and Human Society
三友 仁志(推進会議副議長、早稲田大学国際学術院教授)
太田 直樹(総務大臣補佐官)
鈴木 晶子(推進会議幹事、内閣府「人工知能と人間社会に関する懇談会」構成員、京都大学大学院教育学研究科教授、日本学術会議会員)
西垣 通(国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構社会技術研究開発センター「人と情報のエコシステム」領域アドバイザー、東京大学名誉教授、東京経済大学コミュニケーション学部教授)
西田 豊明(推進会議幹事、京都大学大学院情報学研究科教授)
Prof. Hitoshi MITOMO (Vice Chairperson of THE CONFERENCE; Professor of Waseda University Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies; President of the Japan Society of Information and Communication Research; Vice Chair and Conferences &Seminars Committee Chair of the International Telecommunications Studies)
 - Mr. Naoki OHTA (Special Advisor to Japan’s Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications)
 - Prof. Shoko SUZUKI (Senior Member of THE CONFERENCE; Member of “THE ADVISORY BOARD ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND HUMAN SOCIETY” held by Japan’s Cabinet Office; Professor of Kyoto University Graduate School of Education)
 - Prof. Toru NISHIGAKI (Program Advisor for the “Human-Information Technology Ecosystem” of Japan Science and Technology Agency Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society; Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo; Professor of Tokyo Keizai University Faculty of Communication Studies)
 - Prof. Toyoaki NISHIDA (Senior Member of THE CONFERENCE; Professor of Kyoto University Graduate School of Informatics; Former President of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence)
 - Prof. Marco GILLI (Rector of the Politecnico di Torino)
12:00 講演「産業技術総合研究所人工知能研究センターによるAIネットワーク化に関連す る取組の紹介」 Speech: Introduction of Activities by AIRC related to AI Networking
辻井潤一(国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所人工知能研究センター長、東京大学 名誉教授) Prof. Junichi TSUJII (Director of Artificial Intelligence Research Centre, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology; Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo)
13:00 協賛者挨拶
Address for the Co-Sponsor
國領 二郎(国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構社会技術研究開発センター「人と情報のエコシステム」領域総括、慶應義塾大学総合政策学部教授)
Prof. Jiro KOKURYO (Program Supervisor for the “Human-Information Technology Ecosystem” of Japan Science and Technology Agency Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society; Professor of Keio University Faculty of Policy Management)
13:05 パネルディスカッション 「AIネットワーク化がもたらす豊かさと幸せ」
Panel Discussion: Wealth and Happiness Brought about by AI Networking
城山 英明
井上 智洋(推進会議影響評価分科会構成員、駒澤大学経済学部専任講師)
落合 孝文(推進会議影響評価分科会構成員、弁護士)
河井 大介(推進会議影響評価分科会構成員、東京大学大学院情報学環助教)
田中 浩也(推進会議影響評価分科会構成員、慶應義塾大学環境情報学部教授)
渡辺 智暁(推進会議影響評価分科会構成員、慶應義塾大学大学院政策・メディア研究科特任准教授)
サイラス・ホーディス(ハーバード大学ケネディ行政大学院ザ・フューチャー・ソサイエティ AIイニシアティブ共同創設者)
Prof. Hideaki SHIROYAMA (Senior Member of THE CONFERENCE; Chairperson for the Subcommittee on Impact & Risk Assessment of THE CONFERENCE; Professor of the University of Tokyo Graduate School for Law; Former Dean of the University of Tokyo Politics and Graduate School of Public Policy)
 - Dr. Tomohiro INOUE (Lecturer of Komazawa University Faculty of Economics)
 - Mr. Takafumi OCHIAI, Esq. (Attorney at Law)
 - Mr. Daisuke KAWAI (Assistant Professor of the University of Tokyo Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies)
 - Prof. Toshiya JITSUZUMI (Professor of Kyushu University Department of Industrial and Business System)
 - Prof. Hiroya TANAKA (Professor of Keio University Faculty of Environment and Information Studies)
 - Dr. Tomoaki WATANABE (Project Associate Professor of Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance)
 - Mr. Cyrus Hodes (Co- Founder of the AI Initiative the Future Society at Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government)
14:15 パネルディスカッション 「AIネットワーク化と倫理」
Panel Discussion: AI Networking and Ethics
大屋 雄裕(推進会議影響評価分科会長代理、慶應義塾大学法学部教授) 
久木田 水生(推進会議開発原則分科会及び影響評価分科会構成員、名古屋大学大学院情報科学研究科准教授) 
クロサカ タツヤ(推進会議開発原則分科会及び影響評価分科会構成員、慶應義塾大学大学院政策・メディア研究科特任准教授) 
新保 史生(推進会議構成員、内閣府「人工知能と人間社会に関する懇談会」構成員、慶應義塾大学総合政策学部教授) 
松尾 豊(推進会議構成員、内閣府「人工知能と人間社会に関する懇談会」構成員、東京大学大学院工学系研究科特任准教授、人工知能学会倫理委員長) 
村上 祐子(国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構社会技術研究開発センター「人と情報のエコシステム」領域アドバイザー、東北大学大学院文学研究科准教授) 
デヴィッド・ハイネル(米マイクロソフト・コーポレーション法務担当ヴァイス・プ レジデント)
【Moderator】 Prof. Takehiro OHYA (Vice Chairperson for the Subcommittee on Impact & Risk Assessment of THE CONFERENCE; Professor of Keio University Faculty of Law)
 - Dr. Minao KUKITA (Associate Professor of Nagoya University Graduate School of Information Science)
  - Mr. Tatsuya KUROSAKA (Project Associate Professor of Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance)
 - Prof. Fumio SHIMPO (Professor of Keio University Faculty of Policy Management)
 - Dr. Chen Dominique (Director of Specified nonprofit organization Commonsphere (Creative Commons Japan))
 - Dr. Yutaka MATSUO (Project Associate Professor of the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Engineering; Chair of ELSI committee, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence)
 - Dr. Yuko MURAKAMI (Program Advisor for the “Human-Information Technology Ecosystem” of Japan Science and Technology Agency Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society; Associate Professor of Tohoku University Graduate School of Arts and Letters)
 - Mr. David A. HEINER (Vice President and Deputy General Counsel, Regulatory Affairs at Microsoft Corporation)
15:35 パネルディスカッション 「AIネットワーク化がもたらす便益の増進」
Panel Discussion: Increase of Benefits Brought about by AI Networking
宍戸 常寿
板倉 陽一郎(推進会議開発原則分科会及び影響評価分科会構成員、弁護士)
中西 崇文(推進会議構成員、国際大学グローバルコミュニケーションセンター准教授)
林 秀弥(推進会議構成員、名古屋大学大学院法学研究科教授)
福井 健策(推進会議開発原則分科会及び影響評価分科会構成員、弁護士)
福田 雅樹(総務省情報通信政策研究所調査研究部長)
森永 聡(一般社団法人産業競争力懇談会(COCN)「人工知能間の交渉・協調・連携による社会の超スマート化」プロジェクトリーダー、日本電気株式会社中央研究所データサイエンス研究所主席研究員)
Prof. George SHISHIDO (Vice Chairperson for the Subcommittee on AI R&D Principles of THE CONFERENCE; Professor of the University of Tokyo Graduate School for Law and Politics)
 - Mr. Yoichiro ITAKURA, Esq. (Attorney at Law; Visiting Professor of Nihon University College of Art)
 - Dr. Takafumi NAKANISHI (Associate Professor of International University of Japan Center for Global Communications)
 - Prof. Shuya HAYASHI (Professor of Nagoya University Graduate School of Law)
 - Prof. Kensaku FUKUI, Esq. (Attorney at Law; Visiting Professor of Nihon University College of Art)
 - Dr. Masaki FUKUDA (Director of the Policy Research Department, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Institute for Information and Communications Policy, Japan)
 - Dr. Satoshi MORINAGA (Project Leader concerning Coordination among Autonomous AIs for the Council on Competitiveness-Nippon (COCN); Research Fellow at Data Science Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation)
 - Dr. Marc DURANTON (Expert for the Ministry of Economy and Finance of France; the Research and Technology Department of CEA (French Atomic Energy Commission))  
16:40 パネルディスカッション 「AIネットワーク化がもたらすリスクへの対応」
Panel Discussion: Management of Risks Brought about by AI Networking
堀 浩一
久世 和資(推進会議開発原則分科会及び影響評価分科会構成員、日本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社執行役員 最高技術責任者)
三部 裕幸(推進会議開発原則分科会構成員、弁護士)
高橋 恒一(推進会議構成員、理化学研究所生命システム研究センターチームリーダー)
成原 慧(総務省情報通信政策研究所調査研究部主任研究官)
山川 宏(推進会議構成員、株式会社ドワンゴ ドワンゴ人工知能技術研究所長)
湯淺 墾道(推進会議開発原則分科会構成員、情報セキュリティ大学院大学教授)
Prof. Koichi HORI (Technical Advisor for the Subcommittee on AI R&D Principles of THE CONFERENCE; Professor of the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Engineering; Former President of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence)
 - Dr. Kazushi KUSE (Vice President, IBM Research & Development, IBM Japan, Ltd.)
 - Mr. Hiroyuki SANBE, Esq. (Attorney at Law)
 - Dr. Koichi TAKAHASHI (Team Leader, Laboratory for Biochemical Simulation, RIKEN Quantitative Biology Center)
 - Mr. Satoshi NARIHARA (Senior Researcher of Policy Research Department, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Institute for Information and Communications Policy, Japan)
 - Dr. Hiroshi YAMAKAWA (Chief of the Dwango Co., Ltd. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory)
 - Prof. Harumichi YUASA (Professor of the Institute of Information Security)
 - Prof. Georg BORGES (Professor and Managing Director of the Institute for Legal Informatics at the Saarland University)
17:55 閉会の辞
Closing Remark
三友 仁志
Prof. Hitoshi MITOMO